Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My old friend

I've had a reunion. A lunch date for the past few days with my old friend. A re-awakening of past memories and a nice feeling of being once again with my friend that I have missed.

{My scarf}

My lovelybeautifulrustyredwithalittlebitoforangeytinttoit scarf.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "This girl loves clothes too much". And on the surface, I do really like clothes.

But really, I love the way clothes make me Feel.


And so this is what explains my current state of bliss. The return of one of many long lost pals. Along with the return of Fall. I also have a love affair with seasons that make me have to bundle up.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You are so funny. And cute. I will always think of you when I think of scarves.