I've been wanting to get my hair done for a while now (it's been over a year!) and I just haven't wanted to spend the money on it. I noticed the other day that I've been rocking the natural ombre look (i.e. out-grown roots)... luckily for me, my hair is blonde and it's not very noticeable. Either way it gave me some inspiration to actually make it officially ombre... all by myself.
Now I was so nervous to do it without any help. The last time I tried to color my hair instead of paying to get it done... it was a
{disaster}. I still have evidence:
It looks like something bad
peed all over my head. And the worst part was, the hubby (who was only my boyfriend back then- weird) had gotten us tickets to the nutcracker that evening, so I had to go with it looking like that!! I just decided to curl it and rock it:
and I vowed never again to dye my hair... until today.
I spent like 30 minutes in Sally beauty and between Mr. Harrison having a melt down and asking the lady like a billion questions, I came home with the goods.
The hubbs watched as I ombre-d my hair... and I actually like it :)
Here is the before:
the "natural ombre" look.
Watching Vampire Diaries to pass the time. I just finished season two. Onto season three!
And finally, the after:

a little brassier than expected but still so much fun!
I'm even contemplating dying my roots a little darker and lightening up my ends a smidge (and hopefully not burning them off) to give it even more dynamic. I'm feeling braver now I think.
Either way I love it. What do you think? :) yes?