Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My mom

My mom is engaged! This is a big deal for my family and I. She's been divorced for 13 years now, and it hasn't been an easy time for her. We are so happy that she has found someone to share the rest of her life with her :)

As for my sisters and I... it's WEDDING TIME! We are all planning/coordinating everything for the wedding {due to my mother's current state of shock and "I can't even think about colors and flowers right now" freakout} and for the reception to follow.

Phase one begins today with a practice run of making, baking, decorating, and tasting one of the two cakes that we are going to have for the reception.

Pictures to follow :)


Inside A Book said...

Yeah!!! I am so excited for your mom! Please let me know what I can do to help...I am good at manpower, serving, shopping, buying, chopping, decorating (okay, I lied - but I can do whatever you tell me to do!)cleaning, anything!! You name it and I would feel it a privilege to do it!!

Love ya!

Melissa said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! THAT'S AWESOME! How exciting! That'll be so fun for you guys to turn the tables and do that stuff for her day. :D

Elizabeth Larson said...

I wish I was there, but so super de-duper excited you ladies are doing this! I hope all is well for ya sis. Love you! Miss you, cant wait to kiss you! ha! ;)

Libby said...

Yay for your mom! She's lucky to have all you girls to help her. My mom and I pulled her wedding together in 4 months between the two of us and it was crazy! Have fun :D