Sunday, July 31, 2011

Canvas project

It rained today! And not just rained- like freakishly went from cloudy to pouring to hailing to dry. All within about 20 minutes!

Kendall and I did what we always do when it rains out. or when it's nice out. or all the time.

sit on the porch!

I took pictures. I need to take more pictures. Kendall is so happy in this one.

Lots of rain! :) Love it!

I decided to use my rainy evening to work on a project that I've been thinking about for a while. I got my inspiration from here and everything I used was already around the house except for the pictures.


I had this canvas lying around for about a year and a half... I know! Something needed to be done.

Since I haven't any recent pictures that I enjoy of myself, I chose some from our wedding day. May 30th 2008! 3 years already.

This broach belonged to my grandma. Those are real dried flowers inside. It even has matching earrings! The lace on all of these belonged to my grandma as well.

I finally sucked it up and made my first set of fabric rosettes. I cheated and used hot glue instead of fabric glue but I don't care!

It needed a word. So why not love? All you need is love.

It was really fun and I'm excited to hang it up. I just ordered a new canvas for my front room and I'm hopefully going to be creating a gallery wall! I'm super excited and I think this will be part of it once I get things together.


i'm linking!

The DIY Show Off
Cherished Treasures”=
Todays Creative Blog

Beyond The Picket Fence

Monday, July 18, 2011

The boy who lived... or cried

Babykins is in his own room now and it's a bittersweet relief. I'm happy that he is only waking up once a night to eat and is taking great naps but I'm sad that my baby isn't right next to me at night. Ahhhh well, I'm sure once I get used to it {I keep on waking up thinking he is going to need to eat} I will enjoy being able to sleep for more than 4 hours in a row!

I'm finally getting into a summer routine. I've been working out, swimming more, reading, {painting nails- my fav!}, and shopping of course. It's nice to finally enjoy the time I get to stay at home.

I made a trip to goodwill and made some excellent finds for some future crafting. I will have to take pictures and post later. My next big project is a gallery wall for my front room. I'm going to be ordering a few canvases and I think the picture above is going to have to be one of them! My Father in Law did an amazing photoshoot with Harrison and myself when he was 3 months old and I am so excited to hang up the pictures!

Anyways, not much else going on {other than HARRY POTTER!!!! Only the most important summer event ever}. My sister in law has a screen printing machine and so we made Harrison this awesome onesie:

Glasses courtesy of amazon (I wore them to the theater) and lightening bolt courtesy of yours truly.

He is Harrison Power... Harry Power...Harry Potter... okay close enough. {but we won't be calling him Harry}

Anyways we had some fun with this whole thing. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the midnight showing but my SIL also made some shirts for us all to wear (I don't have a photo uploaded yet) so we wore them and had a fun time on Saturday morning. Soooo good. I can still remember going to the midnight book releases and staying up all night to finish reading. I don't think I will find another series as good as Harry Potter. I'll just have to keep re-reading them :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Favorites

I felt like posting a list of some of my favorite things to do in the summer... Sooo here it is!

  • Reading... always a favorite but it seems like a lot of people take more time to read in the summer, meaning more recommendations to share with me ;)

  • Swimming. I only get about 30 minutes of a happy baby but between his aunts, cousins, grandmas, and the hubster, I still get in an hour or two.

  • Watermelon. sooo good.

  • Vacations. Even though I haven't gone on a vacation since I got pregnant last year, I remember summer trips from years past and miss them.

  • Movies. Basically this is all about Harry Potter coming up. Soooo excited.

There are plenty more favorites but these are my top choices. What about you?