It rained today! And not just rained- like freakishly went from cloudy to pouring to hailing to dry. All within about 20 minutes!
Kendall and I did what we always do when it rains out. or when it's nice out. or all the time.
I took pictures. I need to take more pictures. Kendall is so happy in this one.
Lots of rain! :) Love it!
I decided to use my rainy evening to work on a project that I've been thinking about for a while. I got my inspiration from here and everything I used was already around the house except for the pictures.
I had this canvas lying around for about a year and a half... I know! Something needed to be done.
Since I haven't any recent pictures that I enjoy of myself, I chose some from our wedding day. May 30th 2008! 3 years already.
This broach belonged to my grandma. Those are real dried flowers inside. It even has matching earrings! The lace on all of these belonged to my grandma as well.
I finally sucked it up and made my first set of fabric rosettes. I cheated and used hot glue instead of fabric glue but I don't care!
It needed a word. So why not love? All you need is love.
i'm linking!