Hey. I'm back. Kinda...
I'm cool. Wake surfing here. Have you ever tried wake SURFING? it's pretty awesome.

Kendall is a pro. It's his mad skills coming out.

We also went wakeboarding on the same trip and I actually got up a bunch of times.
The other day my best friend Julia came over and we decided to give my house a little 4th of July. On our way back from the craft store, I decided to take a back way and show her one of my favorite houses to drive by.
{Did I ever mention how much I love living in Queen Creek, amidst all of these dairy farms and farmland houses? It's beautiful and I love it. LOVE IT. thanks.}So, whilst driving past beautiful farm land, we pull past a construction site and see some beautiful wild Sunflowers growing along the road. I actually drove past them and then realized that I couldn't pass up the opportunity so we turned around and picked them!
Even though we both got dirt in our shoes from the super-sinkable dirt and sticky fingers from sunflower juice, it was definitely the best decision I've made in quite a while.

And it just adds the perfect touch to my 4th of July tablescape.

I painted the little crate white and just threw a few things together that I'd already had lying around and Viola!
That's it for now! I'm lucky I got this done at all... because I currently have 4 loads of clean laundry sitting on my closet floor....

I'm Linking!