Christmas was great! I got kendall a stereo for the landcruiser and he lovovovoves it! we had to take the landcruiser everywhere for a while, just so we could listen to the ipod hook up and stuff.
Kendall got me a vintage yellow kitchenaid mixer!! yay! i've been making too many cookies lately because of it! haha.
we got to go to supercross again and i got a new hat so that i could be all supercrossd out.
then we got to go to utah this past weekend to see liz and cortney for keaton's baby blessing! it was so much fun. i got to go to breakfast with kendi! i miss her!
kendall and i have been bowling a lot lately so we decided to go with liz and cort and their boys while we were in utah.
and finally keaton was such a stud in his blessing outfit! i miss all of them already!
on a brighter note, even though the break is over and school is back in, i was just checking my credit hours and major requirements and it's pretty much for sure that after this semester, i will only have two left! i'm that much closer to being completely finished! it feels pretty good.